
Ron Paul supporters.....?

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The above link is a letter to the GOP

in support of Ron Paul.

There are 8300 signatures already.

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Ron Paul...2008!!




  1. I'm sorry to hear that news, but as a Briton, I think you have a much more serious problem (as we do)... to break the two party system.  I am not sure what Ron Paul could have done  if he didn't have the majority backing of the senate or congress.

    You're going to have to level an unfair system - which means using asymmetric tactics like the Internet - and changing the very ground of the debate.

    It's essential to give the discontent a focus and redress fundamental constitutional issues.  If skilled and knowledgeable people work together they can make a difference... they may control the money and the media, we have the grassroots contacts and the numbers.

  2. Don't ever give up---never,never,never:

    Click here to read Ron Paul's statement for up to date information on Ron Paul connection

  3. Sorry Cookie.

    I have been in this from the beginning and I knew there was no way for Dr. Paul to win.

    The global elite have their hand pick traitors to run this country into the ground.

    I will stand and fight tyranny.

    The socialists will get their day, but it wont last long.

    Pray it all happens quickly and we can get on with it.

  4. i just watched the whole speech, cookie. and then i learned by going to the website that he will not run as a candidate.  he dropped out of the race.  when you study his speech tonight, you learn that what he really was talking about is a new website that he put up called  but that is for us to continue on with this movement.  

    i don't know what the point would be to signing the document to the GOP.  the timing is wrong.  we can't do anything about it.  

    this is a very GREAT shame and disappointment for me.  if there ever was a person worthy of the oval office, it was ron paul.  i'm considering, have considered for 30 years, really, moving away from this country.  i can be a dual european citizen anyway and live a less stressful life, because that is where our country is headed head-on:  into the awful stress of living in a depression.  it's all over the place.  

    could i vote for mccain?  could i vote for obama?  no, i will not vote for either one of them.  in all my years, cookie, i never was political because "they" are power mongers and all they do is waste our lives, our country, and make it worse.  obama and mccain don't have a clue or give a d**n, either, about how this country desperately needs to be put back to its roots.  ron paul would have had to work hard with congress for them to see the light, and we as citizens would have to kick some of them out.  do you know that mccain wrote the illegal amnesty bill along with ted kennedy?  how many of you know that?  

    here are the rules for every state for write in candidates:

    ron paul chose not to register as a write in candidate, which really is a bad move and i do not understand it at all.  

    so although you are my new friend here in chicago, i won't be talking on this forum much about politics, because all politics means is more of the same old s***.  ron paul would have been our saving grace.

    at this point, he should make good and send all the contributions back to us.

    here:  you will see his choice to step down as a candidate there, where we sent him money with all of our hopes, dreams, and hearts, and, patriotism.

  5. How COULD Ron Paul have had the heart to simply drop out? Was the sincerity that was written all over his face a ruse? Is he an actor? Did he only act like a patriot? Did he milk us for presidential election dollars, only to use them to benefit this new, so-called "grass roots" movement, so he can watch it while our whole country gets washed down the toilet while he argues in the House? What has that man done? He sure gave all of us, in my opinion, a sucker punch below the belly, and he is a doctor!  

    What he should have done with all our contributions was to declare himself an independent candidate, because then, he could have won, because everyone was just beginning to learn about him!  And if he had done that, part of the battle would be started towards the TRUE change, which is going back to Constitutional law, the one thing that sets us apart from all the other nations on this earth.  

    "We, the people" (as louiegirl always says), deserve to live under what is correct and what is ethical and what is right in a REPUBLIC, which we know in our hearts to be true and just.  It is, as Ron Paul stated, all in the Constitution.  

    That doctor sure did break a lot of hearts.  I feel like he sold me, and our country, down the river.  And I also feel he is a coward.  And I also think we should be damned mad at what he pulled.

    What will he do with my contribution dollars and yours?

    PS:  doubleolly's link is from way back in 2001 = D/N/A, does not apply, I mean.

  6. Sign the letter anyway. Come on, everyone. Let's show all the bigwigs in Washington that Ron Paul continues to have our support.

    I know y'all may think it's pointless now. But it isn't. There will be another election in 4 years. If we keep forging ahead, they'll see we mean business. Ron Paul is the man we need as our President.

    Come on, don't give up. My signature is there regardless.

  7. I trust Ron Paul with his decision.

    Let's be realistic, people. There is no need to panic. Most of you must have known that it's going to happen eventually. The people of today are too blind to elect such an honest, intelligent man into the White House. There was no way for Dr. Paul to win this election.

    He held on as long as he could because he felt obligated to keep running as long as we support him. When he ended his campaign, he didn't forget his promises to defend our Constitution. He had a plan to continue The Revolution and I am absolutely sure that this plan will have a bigger impact and will continue to spread the message of Ron Paul and the people.

    The Campaign for Liberty will last for as long as we, the people, work together to defend the Consitution and to educate the uninformed.

    Please continue to support Ron Paul in his cause to spread awareness. He did NOT give up on us. We should not give up on him and America.

    FYI, I'm still writing in Ron Paul. I refuse to give my vote to any of the two evils.

  8. what is the point he drooped out. Im voting for chuck baldwin who is a constitusinilist that endorsed Ron paul and support him on all his issues and will carry the ball for him. I recomend all Ron paul suporters look into possibly voting for Chuck Baldwin.

  9. What are we going to do now?  I say get ready for the revolution that is now inevitable.  This country is in a downward spiral and there is no stopping it.  We are in for one wild ride.

    BTW, I voted for that already.

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