
Ronald Mcdonald shot me?!?!?

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i had a dream last night that after ronald mcdonald gave me a really fatty big mac and i gained 20 lbs he shot me in the stomach but i survived

he gave me the hamburger from a really rundown shack in the woods if that helps

what could this possibly mean?




  1. guns and bullets usually represent words that hurt.

    something or someone in your life is false.

    someone in a costume feeding you crappy food from a run down shack- you aren't getting the real thing- spiritual nourishment.

  2. Have you been eating too much Mickey D's lately? Or at least, have you felt guilty about eating too much fast food in general?

    Have you watched Supersize Me lately?

    The rundown shack in the woods is no stretch of the imagination. McDonalds isn't the best for you, so food from there & from a shack in the woods, probably the same quality. On a subconscious level, your brain made it more dramatic, delevering food from a 'bad place'.

    If you have no guilt over eating fast food & your weight, health, etc. isn't bothering you than perhaps getting shot in the stomach & surviving, means that you don't care - have you been trying to make a statement lately about not caring about what you eat (maybe there are health freaks around you?)

  3. this means you are eating too much McDonalds

  4. ure gonna get obese in the coming years. sry sweetheart.

  5. i think it might be a sign that u r very concerned about your weight and may have a fear of your body being any different than your idea of what you think looks good.

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