
Ronald Reagan is now listed as number #4 of the greatest Presidents of all time. Will he attain the #1 spot?

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And when will he attain the #1 spot?




  1. Not a chance.  I think time will recognize the impact Jimmy Carter had and someday, he'll sail right by Ronald Reagan.

  2. Yes. Of course time will tell. It also depends on if the historians who write the books are liberal or conservative.

  3. You don't say where you obtained such misinformation, but here's my own personal lists:


    5. Herbert Hoover

    4. Lyndon Johnson

    3. George H.W. Bush

    2. Ronald Reagan

    1. George W. Bush


    10. Harry Truman

    9. Franklin D. Roosevelt

    8. John F. Kennedy

    7. George Washington

    6. Dwight D. Eisenhower

    5. Theodore Roosevelt

    4. Jimmy Carter

    3. William Jefferson Clinton

    2. Thomas Jefferson

    1. Abraham Lincoln

  4. No. The number 1 and 2 spots will always be reserved for Washington and Lincoln. Most people think FDR is number three and I don't see Reagan supplanting any of them. If he is ranked number 4 I think that is the highest he will ever go.

  5. Considering the size of the deficit when he left office, his involvement with the Iran-Contra scandal, and the fact that the disparity between rich and poor increased during his eight years, I would say, "not likely."

  6. ronnie's cut and run in beirut after the Marine barracks was bombed along with the treason on negotiating with iranian terrorists and selling them weapons ("iran/contra" says no. never.

  7. By whom is he ranked #4?

    Washington, Lincoln, FDR, and Regan

    Absolutely absurd! Who is history challenged enough to commit such an idiotic canard?

    Let's see: greater than Jefferson, Adams, Madison, T. Roosevelt.....ah forget it...entirely too stupid a premise to pursue.

  8. Probably not.

    I'm guessing the 3 above him are Washington, Lincoln and F. Roosevelt... 3 wartime presidents.

  9. No I mean Washington is always going to have that, but Reagan should always be the the top five.

  10. Reagan was great??? You mean the bonehead that gave Chemical Ali the money and knowledge to make chemical weapons? Only to have another boneheaded republican president (Dumbya) desire to see him hung because he used them?

    In the future, any time you’re contemplating who’s great, please aim your sights a little higher.

  11. In my book he is already #1.

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