
Rookie Matt Moore lined-up to start Tampa Bay Rays’ post-season campaign – MLB News

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Rookie Matt Moore lined-up to start Tampa Bay Rays’ post-season campaign – MLB News
After making a dramatic entry to the post-season, the Tampa Bay Rays have made yet another bold decision. The last-minute Wild Card entrants have selected rookie Matt Moore as a starter for the five-game American League Divisional Series ahead of Wade Davis,
who won 11 games in the regular season.
The 22-year-old Moore will be making his second start of a still-budding career and there could have been no better opportunity to impress than this. Expressing excitement on his selection, Moore said, "The opportunity speaks for itself just given what's
going on around us. I would try to take it like any other start, that's the only way I know how to. If that does happen, then great, I'm going to do my best to set us up for an early lead in the series."   
Moore, lined-up to start the first game of the ALDS, ruled out anxiety and clarified that he will not overdo just because the stage is big. He stated that he will take this start just as any other start and is not worried about the end result.
James Shields is in-line to start Game 2 of ALDS while James Hellickson and David Price are lined-up for Game 3 and 4 respectively. Either Shields or Moore will pitch in the fifth game, if required, depending on their preceding performance.
Moore has had an exemplary run in his Minor League career, striking-out 210 batters in 155 innings at an earned-run average of 1.92. He won his only start and has bagged a total of 15 strike-outs in 9.1 innings hurled in the Majors.
Moore’s pace will give the Rays a strategic advantage, given the late afternoon start time of the first game. The rookie touches the 90 mph barrier frequently and has a wide repertoire of deliveries to keep the batters guessing. On the contrary, using Moore
in the first game against C.J. Wilson of Texas Rangers will allow them to play their ace Shields against a pitcher of a relatively lower stature. Wilson is 5-0 against the Rays and Moore will want to change things this time around.



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