
Room decorating ideas?

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Hey everyone i have been wanting to change my house around a bit, i dont have a big house or a lot of room...but do you have any ideas for decorating rooms in your house from any items i may already have? or that are cheap?




  1. Check out for furniture

  2. First of all, pick a theme that will lend itself to inexpensive decor.  The best ones I've seen that are inexpensive are 1) beach/summer/island fun; 2) Music (use old album covers and music, plus your favorite band poster tacked up); 3) Shopping (yes, get bags from cool stores and put them on the wall, I've seen it done; 4) Clean - just put in beautiful paint/moldings/etc. and don't put anything on the walls.  Looks GREAT  Also, ck at Thrift stores for the kind of things that might give you ideas.  Good luck!

  3. Take a look at http://doityourself.NET/ -- it may have ideas.  Also, flip through magazines and books (at stores, libraries, home improvement centers..) for ideas.  Home improvement and decorating shows on TV can also offer a lot of ideas and how-to.  Search the Net for "decorating" (home, room...) and "remodeling" [for ideas].

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