
Room decorating?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I am redecorating my room and I have choose

India-ish style. I have gold tints, purples, maroons, accents of orange, lots of pillows, candles....etc. BUT I don't know what color to paint the walls. I can't decide whether to stick with a more neutral color (tan, or like canvas color) or if i want to go with like a purple, orange, or maroon. HELP!!!




  1. I think if you're feeling brazen maroon would be really cool and intense. But, yeah, if you want to go the safer route, I'd go with a light tan or a creamy orange.

  2. Get the one color that you have the least of in your room, for example if you have only a few gold candles...then take that item up to the hardware store, and ask them to match that exact color..... that way you have a main color, but its not engulfing your room.....

  3. Think about a few thing & you'll be able to decide - If you might be moving & wouldn't want to change the paint before leaving, then choose the neutral. If you want the room to look largest, use the neutral tan or canvas color. If you want a warm exotic look & something that will make the room seem cozy, choose the orange. If you want a cooler exotic look that will make the room seem smaller & cozier, choose the purple or maroon. The purple or maroon may also make the room seem darker, & only you know the amount of windows in your room & whether you'd like that or not. Hope that helps. (Personally - I like the idea of a medium-dark orange - not too dark, but not pastel either - &I definately not flourescent day glo orange.) But think of your room & if you want it too seem larger or smaller - if you still want color, but need it to seem its largest, paint it a very light shade of one of the colors.

  4. stick to neutrals with maybe one wall in one or more of the brighter colours.  Or you could do all neutral then hang brightly coloured voile curtains over the walls.  A gold stencil around the top could also look effective

  5. i would stick with more neutral colors for the walls.  this way all the fancy stuff that you have in the room will stand out.  you can create great focal points with your room accessories, like candles and art.  if your walls are bright, all the attention goes to the walls and not the wonderful stuff you have in the room.  attached is a link for help in thought process

  6. i think you should go with a color a little darker than tan mixed with a little bit of maroon
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