
Room-mate Virgin v****a Smells like Sewage?

by  |  earlier

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My play sister and I have a best-friend whom is a virgin, good thing but ..........................her v****a smells through her clothes and when she urinates. One time she walked out the restroom after so call-it number 1 and I had to spray an whole bottle of Lavender Air freshener & turned the vents on with a wall fan, it was so horrible. But we need help trying to get her clean because we love her but do not want to hurt her feelings what so ever. We asked her nicely to use feminine products even went out our way to buy her some, but she used the wipes instead of bathing. HELP! We also need help in trying to get her to take more baths. When she is at my house, she never takes a bath, but she will wear the same clothes about 10 times a week and never washes them. Please help!!!! And one time she left her panties on the floor and I walked in only to see that those panties had brown crusty streaks inside them. I screamed and left my house for the day. She is the sweetest thing alive but how can I tell another adult to clean themselves without hurting their feelings? I cannot do this anymore!!!!




  1. Your friend is an adult, but it's obvious that she was never taught proper hygiene.  My thoughts are that it's time she learned it.  You as her friend and someone who cares about her need to have a talk with her, tell her that you care very much and in no way mean to hurt her, but feel she needs to be told some things...the importance of bathing or showering daily, shampooing,  using deodorant/antiperspirant, changing her clothes daily and washing them regularly, brushing her teeth, combing hair, etc.  The importance of changing sanitary protection often and washing during her period,  that not doing these things gives people offensive body odors..she might not notice it, but other people do.  Being unclean can lead to things such as impetigo, body and head lice, tooth decay too.   When she is at your home, you need to stress that bathing or showering etc. is required, clothes shouldn't be lying her the washer so she can clean them.    Strong smelling urine is from a lack of water, you could have some bottled water around to be sure she gets it.  You know, people who suffer from depression can neglect hygiene..are you sure it isn't depression?  Some people can be cruel and say hurtful things and they will say them to your friend if you don't help her correct these things.  Good luck.

  2. Say "Er ****. You smell, Have a ******* wash" Jokingly. She might get the hint that way.

  3. Why don't you take her swimming everyday?

  4. It sounds like she's happy being the way she is, gross. Telling her nicely, might not change anything, except for you to lose her as a friend.  Some people are dirty beasts, I went to school with a girl like that and no matter what people told her she stunk she wouldn't bathe.

  5. Just sayy it niceleyy,just be like you stankk wash yaa a***!

  6. that is terrible, but you could tell her the guy she likes said he would like to ask her out but he is offended by her odor, or just tell her she needs to wash more and change clothes more often, girls just do not do that. and maybe she should see a doctor it may be a sign of a yeast infection,it does not have to be sexual either.

  7. Yes you need to set your friend down and tell her in a caring kinda way that she needs to start bathing on a daily basis . Offer to wash her clothes at your house if she can not wash them at home for some reason .If you are a true friend she will understand . Maybe you can help her pick out some pretty smelling body wash , lotion and powder or body spray {the body wash is a must } . Tell her you love her as a friend but you do not want other people dogging her out because of something that can be taken care of . Insist to her that if she is sleeping on your bed or couch or whatever that first she must get the stink off  so as not to make your stuff smell bad . If you do this in a caring way she will thank you later . Maybe you can suggest a day or evening out and have a day of beauty before hand , starting with a shower , brushing teeth , fixing hair and makeup and clean clothes . She will feel good about herself , especially if you tell her how nice she looks .

  8. tell her directly even if she feel that u hurt her..its not joke !how u can sit with her ......

  9. IT IS OBVIOUS your best friend do not know the meaning of PERSONAL HYGIENE. As if she is living in the world of cave men and women 20,000 B.C. during those time bathing and taking shower is unknown then.

    SO IF YOU REALLY...REALLY love her then tell it like it is. Tell her her body stinks like a skunk, esp. her v****a smell like a dead cat or a garbage canned. It is better hurting her and stating the facts or fake the whole thing and nothing happen. IF YOU REALLY WANT TO HELP THEN HELP if not then just keep  mum and forget about it. You say that he always wear the same clothes over and over again it means she is so poor she cannot afford to buy one so buy her some clothes or give your own clothes to her to be use so that she can burn her old one. HELPING IS ONE THING BUT JUST TALKING ABOUT IT IS ANOTHER.  If this is my friend I had finished this in just one day NO NEED TO WRITE IT HERE.  

  10. She doesnt have any STD of course, she probably has bacterial vaginosis (BV) BV is a very common vaginal infection caused by a variety of things.  One of these is those perfumed, good smelling, feminine hygiene products you so nicely provided.  Now that you have gone that far and bought her those things, she must know that there is a problem and this problem is nothing to be ashamed of.  BV can be caused by bubble baths, nice smelling body washes and other things.  Since she is already aware that there is an issue, you should talk to her openly about BV.  It is not a disease of being dirty or not cleaning enough, it has to do with the pH balance of her v****a.  However, if fecal matter is making its way into her v****a through her brown crusty panties, that could be a factor.  f***s have a lot of bacteria and if they get inside the v****a it can also cause BV,  Do an internet search to learn more but basically she needs to go to a doctor and get antibiotics.  All these things you are trying are only going to make it worse. Nothing over the counter is going to help but 7 days of a certain antibiotic will cure it

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