
Roomate skipped out with no notice my wife and i are on the lease he is not?

by  |  earlier

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all of the sudden he left and went to live with his mom. He gave me no warning whatsoever I have his stuff that is cluttering up my house i dont have the room for his stuff. i contacted him last night and we agreed that he is never coming back, i then told him to come and get his stuff and he hung up on me. when i called him back only seconds later i told him that i would have to throw his stuff away if he doesnt come and get it. He told me to do what i have to do and hung up on me again. I need his stuff out of here as soon as possible. He is not on the lease my wife and i are.we live in california and arent sure what the laws are about how long we have to wait before getting rid of his stuff. It doesnt sound like he is coming back to get it so when can i throw it out?





    Don't bother, he hung up on you, it's his problem now. You tried.

  2. I would send him a letter, with return receipt requested, wait a bit, then take pictures of his c**p, and throw it out....

           You are the primary lease are responsible til the lease expires...

  3. Did you have any legal agreement with him in writing?  If not, I would honestly just pitch it.  Call him tomorrow and tell him he has 48 hours otherwise it goes in the trash.

  4. Writing, everything in writing and dated. Write him and give him a day, when to pick up his stuff, make it reasonable.

    Summarize his belongings in the letter.

    If he doesn't pick it up (write that too), stuff will go to salvation army.

  5. It's in your house, it's your stuff. You can toss it any time.

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