
Roommate lost mailbox key?

by Guest32754  |  earlier

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my roommate lost mailbox key, and now my mail is not retrievable in the box. key can not be found. and when i confronted roomie, roomie replied that things like keys get lost. i tried to discuss the issue more, but roomie just laughed it off and said a replacement key can be had for $150. i thought i had lost key, and blamed myself, and was stressed out that i was so unreliable. however, i found out that roomie lost it, but i'm still stressed that my roomie is so unreliable. any suggestions please?




  1. Well I certainly hope your roommate intends to pay for the key since they are the one that lost it. If they don't offer, you better talk to him/her and make sure they are going to pay!

  2. Let her pay for it then let it drop...

  3. Roomie lose it, roomie pays for it.

  4. Change the lock and send the roommate the bill.  If she won't pay for it, threaten to take her to small claims court. This is why I don't let roommates have keys.

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