
Roommates cats have really bad fleas!

by Guest65309  |  earlier

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My roommates have 3 cats who all have fleas now. We tried to treat them by giving the cats all flea baths, which didn't work. Then we tried the Sergents Squeeze-On Flea Treatment, which didn't work. Now, my roommates don't even care and aren't trying to fix it. In the meantime, the cats are going nuts, I'm getting eaten alive, and the fleas are invading my bedroom, my bed, my clothing and making me feel totally disgusting. Heres what I need help with.....what can we do to actually MAKE them go away?? And how do I explain to my roommates, one of whom is my best friend, that if they don't get a handle on this situation, I'm leaving? I feel horrible for the cats, because their suffering too. What can I do?




  1. As far as your room mates, tell them exactly what you just said.If the problem isn't taken care of your moving out.First thing you have to do is treat the room.That's everything.The bed, furniture.floors even the curtains.While the pesticide is working  you got to retreat the cat.Don't take it back in there until all the fleas are gone or you'll have to do it all over again.After you've clean up from the using the pesticide sprinkle a little bit of table salt around on the carpet.The salt dehydrates the remaining fleas and the eggs that are left behind, that weren't killed.Leave it down for a day or so then sweep that up.Make sure and empty the sweeper after picking up the salt.It draws moisture and will hurt the vacuum cleaner if you leave it in there.

  2. take emm to a vet, theyll give u good medication and they might even have stuff there that can get ridda fleas

    good luck

  3. Go to a vets yourself and ask for Frontline flea and tick tube.  It is the best.  You squeeze on the back of the cats neck.  They will go away.    But will have to be readministered every so often.

    Then put the cats outside and buy a flea bomb its like fly spray and you buy it in the supermarket.  You will have to be out of the house or room for a few hours.

    No more fleas

  4. The cats need flea collars. You need Nuvan Top to get rid of the ones jumping around off the cats and the other Nuvan product to get the eggs. Vacuum everything thoroughly and wash or dry clean bedding.  

  5. I know you tried the seregents squeeze on flea treatment but you should get "revolution" which you squeeze on the back of their necks. This stuff really works, not only does it get the fleas off the cat but it kills the ones that are layin around the house.

  6. Its not right for you to have to live with fleas.

    How I treated it successfully is to first flea bomb the house/apartment.  Then vacuum the whole house and wash the cat's bedding.  Give the cats a good flea wash (exelpet works everytime), and then give them all a monthly flea treatment like advantage that you place on their backs.

    Cats get fleas from being outdoors, so its best to keep the cats indoors as much as possible and ensure the monthly treatment is kept up to date.

  7. Ugh! The whole room has to be de-fleed, not just the cats. These things spread like wildfire...You need to change sheets, treat the mattresses, wash all your clothes and get the cats flee collars....or tell your room mate that she needs to give the cats to a good home but either way you need to get rid of the them for your place too...I think I used DDT before in powder form for the mattress.

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