
Root canal, crown and now implant?

by Guest66964  |  earlier

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Hi there

Feeling a bit miserable as I still have toothache 8 months down the line, after having several dental procedures.

I live in Dubai and went there knowing that I needed a crown. My new dentist here said that I needed a root canal before this could be done. Several weeks later the crown was put on but I started to get pain several months down the line. An x ray revealed that I had a cyst in the gum so I had to have the infection removed via a gum flap being cut. Several weeks on and I have the toothache coming back!!!! My dentist had said that I would need an extraction and implant if the last procedure didn't work. All this is costing my husband a fortune (as we are not covered by dental insurance) and I'm paranoid that my dentist is trying to make as much money as possible out of me!! I would like to get a second opinion from another dentist - is this a good idea?

Thanks in advance!




  1. Really, a nightmare for you, a root canal, crown, implant, and still in pain! If you want to save your natural teeth, please get a second opinion as soon as possible. Make sure this time you have a right dentist to take of your problem. Dental procedures usually cost a lot in some places. Dental implant is not only costly; it might take the better part of a year for healing and restoration.  Some dentists believe in saving or replacing teeth, some do not. It’s not worth the risk…

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  2. idk why he didnt put the crown on right after the root canal.maybe hes tryign to scam you guys

  3. Root Canal is good, at least you could protect your damaged tooth

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