
Root canal or just TMJ?

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I had a tooth that was sensitive to cold and hurt a lot. I assumed it was a cavity (it's a crown.) I went in and the doctor said the nerve might be dying. I spent 600.00 on a root canal and a filling to seal the crown back up. That was 4 days ago. I still feel pain and the dentist said it's normal because it's sore. I feel like I just wasted 600.00. Can TMJ make a tooth sensitive to cold? Did I get jipped?




  1. TMJ has to do with jaw dis-function,..

    not sensitivity to cold.

    Dr. Weston Price, DDS, inventor of the root canal procedure, who later condemned its use. Root Canals almost always lead to infection and should always be avoided.

    Dr.Price studied teeth in different people all across the world, when he encountered a tribe or group of people with good teeth he would take notes on their diet, he found similarities between the groups with good teeth.

    This is a summary of things to do for dental health from the Weston Price Foundation,.. I'll include links.

    You need to eat butter containing 'factor X' this is believed to be vitamin K2. Factor X is only found in yellow butter form pasture fed cows.

    Next you need raw milk for its high fat, vitamin, and calcium content. Believe it or not, pasteurization kills the needed enzymes to digest the calcium in milk!

    Third you need high vitamin Cod Liver Oil, High Vitamin A and D levels are needed to help absorb the calcium in the milk. You can not absorb the calcium with out these.

    These three things, along with a healthy diet can help heal your teeth, and prevent future damage.

    Infact one of my cavities has completely healed. You can also go to[go to health, then dental] it is a natural mama website, and many other people have had success with healing their teeth.

    "Avoid root canals. If you have root canals and suspect that they are causing trouble, have them removed by a knowledgeable dentist. "

    And always research medicines and medical procedures first! Doctors do not always do whats best, just what they think is right, and sadly its about money sometimes.

    Feel Better!

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