I need to have a root canal done and my dentist explained the procedure to me as drilling out my tooth and hooking onto my nerve, pulling it up, cutting it off and then filling my tooth temporarily, coming back at a later date and having a real filling put it.
My husband said when he had a root canal done they never hooked onto a nerve and pulled it up and cut it off but they did drill out his tooth and used a laser to get the nerve, then they filled it and he went back a couple of weeks later and they filled it again?
I am wondering if there are these two different ways to do a root canal - if so, is one way less painful than the other (or quicker)? and why do you need to have a temporary filling and then at a later date a permanent one.
I really hate going to the dentist and I can't believe I have to have a root canal done - my tooth doesn't even hurt!
thanks for any advice/help/information