
Root canals - does it hurt?

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I am quite scared - my dentist said i might have to go in for a root canal because he thought that my tooth might be infected or something like that. Does it hurt? I had a filling today and that hurt a bit - but does a root canal like, really hurt? I'm only 13 and I'm freaking out!




  1. If you dont ask them to put anesthetic then it will hurt, otherwise if they do, in a form of a shot into ur gums, it will not hurt, until the anesthetic runs out. sometimes they will do it automatically

  2. No, I was really surprised but it didn't.  The shots are the worst part.  

  3. Try this link where you can find very good articles written by dentists themselves with their practical experience.

  4. I thought it was easier to have a root canal than to get a filling. The dentist anesthetized me so much that there was no way I could feel anything. They will definitely anesthetize you because they're working on and around nerves. The shots don't even hurt that much because they use a topical anesthetic (such as orajel or Novocaine) to numb the area before putting the needle in for a shot.

    You'll be fine :)


    Naw, never had one, dont really know. Dont worry dude

  6. it doesn't hurt. i had it done when i was 9 and every 6 months til i was 11,

    cos my tooth got punched out and needed root canal treatment to make it stay in with no problems

    its all fine, honestly. the worst bit is keeping your mouth open for ages cos your jaw gets achey.

  7. My mum had one done, she said it was weird because you could feel the dentist working but it wasn't painful because they anaesthetised her.

    Don't worry about it - dentist will make it as comfortable as possible : )

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