
Rossi and yamaha?

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Rossi hints at staying at Yamaha

Strange how a win changes the news headlines. I like the comments about his tyre choice at the bottom of the interview.

What do you think about his choice to go to bridgestone now ?

Time will tell. but do you think his decision was right or wrong. I have stated that i think the decision was the right one.




  1. I'm not so sure if Brigestone were the better tyres for the simple reason that Lorenzo is using Michelin and he is giving good results. For me the better choice was made by Yamaha for starting to do their work.

    As for Rossi's interest in Ducati, this is what worries me. He has always liked the bike (not only because it is Italian) and I don't want to see him switching teams. Especially for  this one. I even prefer he goes to Honda again than going to Ducati.

    But anyways, if the results keep getting better I hope Rossi will decide to stay in Yamaha. And if everything goes according to plan, he will win the championship!

  2. He has to make quite a few right decision to repay all the taxes he has been fined for.

  3. Hey Proc

    I think the decision was the right one at the time, and that's another of the reasons that make Rossi the champ he is - he doesn't care who he upsets, only that he has the best equipment he can, and the best chances to take points and podiums.

    You have to admire someone with his determination and stubborn headedness to get his own way - brava!

  4. well tyres are had to judge one little change by the manufacture and it can all change well right or wrong who knows

  5. I figure with Vale on board, he will always come up smelling of rose's!

    He is the best Bridgestone runner at the moment, but you never know, things can change so quickly.

    Thats one of the things ( there is alot! ) that I love about MotoGP. The team can change so much at the drop off a hat and make the bike different.
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