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What can you tell me about that city? I was born there and lived in an orphange for 7 years. I never got a chance to actually explore the city and I was just curious to know how big it is, population wise, and what there is to do there. Also, did it play any part in Russian history as a battlesite or something?





  1. It is called Rostov- na- Donu, Don is a river, and I am sure you can find a web site about this Southern city.

    Just look for Ростов-На- Дону


  2. It has around 1 million people and is the 10th largest city in Russia. Its home to FC Rostov and SKA (2 professional football teams). The city is named after Saint Dmitri of Rostov and the Don River. It was considered as "the bone of contention" between the whites and the Bolsheviks during the Civil War. It was attacked and nearly destroyed by the Germans in WWII. Its now a modern industrial and technological city. I got this from my source.

    EDIT: I got the population and sport teams from Wikipedia. Its not the best site for info. because sometimes its not sure but at the same time, you can't lie about population and sports.
You're reading: Rostov-na-Don?

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