
Rosy red minnows or goldfish?

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i have a ten gallon tank and i was wondering should i put in rosy red minnows or a goldfish or is there another small and hardy breed of fish that i can find at petsmart





  1. in some states they're considered "feeder fish" but i'm sure you could try putting it in, what could you loose (like 15cents)

  2. its too small for goldfish so get 6 minnows

  3. any fish that will not exceed the 2in. mark would be ok.tetras,dwarf gouramis,whiteclouded minnows,american depends on your preference,tropical or coldwater.

  4. You need to remember that rosy reds and goldfish tend to over time get bigger. Goldfish more than the rosy reds though. Just make sure you buy the ones that stay small.

    I use both these fish as feeder fish for my Oscars. The ones they did not eat eventually got huge.

    Guaramies are a great fish, esp. the Dwarf species.

    You can even make you a female Betta colony, up to about 8 in a ten gallon tank. Bettas are really hardy and even make a good fish to put in a newly set up tank to help put waste in the tank.

    I have 12 female bettas, 1 dwarf Guaramie, 1 powder blue Guaramie and a plecto in one of my 30 gallon tanks.

    Note: Powder Blue Guaramies for some reason can be tempermental and will easily get stressed out.

  5. well, it's a a highly debatable topic among goldfish keepers as to what the minimum tank size is for a goldfish, some say 10gallons is the minimum for a fancy, others insist 20. IMHO, 10gallons can be done, but its the bare minimum and larger is better....

    so, since you're only considering them and are fine with other options, I'd suggest going with the rosy reds. guppies are a good option as well, they're fairly hardy and are fine in room temp (unless you keep your house colder than normal).  

  6. definitely goldfish i have a oranda and a black moore they get on very well and are very colourful i would make a hyperlink but i don't know how just look on google images. and by the way a 10 gallon tank will be more than enough room for them.

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