
Rotary youth exchange to BRAZIL!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to be an outbound to Brazil in 2008/2009. I am 16 years old and will be staying SOMEWHERE in the state of Rio de Janeiro.. not in the city though. Any tips or hints would be great! And I was also wondering about prices of things.. clothes, food, jewlery, ect.




  1. food 450 / 600reals - buy bread /fruits/food fr the local open market - cheaper

    drinking water - 20r - be careful - u can get diarhoea if u dont drink bottled mineral water

    haircut/manicure 100r - u can do without

    transport - bus taxi  30r - u can get a bicycle

    internet/telephone 300r - u need it

    its not bad.

    dont go out after sunset

    your host parents will take good care of u

    so no worries

    enjoy brazil!

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