
Rothschild, Warburg, Rockerfeller?

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The Federal Reserve enslaving American? Any comments of knowledge?




  1. You really need to get your conspiracy theories up to date.

    Rothschild, Warburg, and Rockefeller were indeed some of the richest most powerful bankers at one time. But now they mere bit players.

    Second the Federal Reserve System is a governement agency. The branches can be considered highly regulated corportations and only member banks can be shareholders.

  2. What?

  3. Sounds like you've been drinking too much "Gold is Money" KoolAid. :)

    The Federal Reserve is not enslaving America, the US Congress is enslaving us with unaffordable entitlement programs and never ending borrowing to fund government programs.

    The US Dollar can be just as valuable as Gold. The problem is that p**s poor fiscal policy has gripped this country for decades and is sending the USD into the toilet.  We should have passed the Constitutional Amendment back in the 90s that would have mandated Congress only Spend what it had. But I remember that failing because a Senator or two from North Dakota didn't support it.

    We need to import less than we export and we need to get from under the baby boomer entitlement problem. Once we solve those issues, we'll be back in the glory days...

  4. The bankers have less control now than the did before the creation of the fed and the economy works better  for ordinary people now than it did before  the fed stared to smooth out the business cycle using monetary  policy after WWII. Very few people remember what deflation  of the currency feel like, but those that do remember the great depression thought that it really sucked.  There was a reason that William Jennings Bryant said that the Gold standard was crucifying  mankind on a cross of gold.

    Here is a graph of the value of the dollar since 1774. If you look at it you will see that inflation  was not created by the fed, only that deflation is prevented.

  5. Yes, we have been slaves to debt for a long time now.

    If you are really interested in how bad it really is, you need to check out the link below...

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