
Rottweiler Eye Infection????

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I have a 1 1/2year old female Rottie. Today I noticed she had a lot of eye goobers (or at leastthat'ss what I call them) they were a pale green color (like you would get if you had an infection) I wiped them away thinking nothing of it but her Right eye continues to produce the eye goobers (not as much but still there).

So my questions are:

Is this an eye infection? Has anyone else experienced this with their dogs? Is it easily treatable? Can it be very damaging?

And of Coarse I will be taking her to the vet but it is sunday night and they have already closed for the day. I was just curious to here other peoples input on my situation. Any info would help

Thanks a lot.

O and I would really appreciate knowledgeable and well thought answers. :)




  1. it sounds as if it is infected. Depending on the type of infection/condition it could be very easy to treat (medicated drops for 10 days) or very difficult (surgical intervention).

    What you describe sounds (although I cannot be for sure) like nothing too serious and should be easily treated with NPD drops (of course after testing for ulceration). The damaging factor again depends on what exactly is going on with the eye, treatment is always required though.

  2. Rottweilers are known for the eye boogers but they are usually minimal almost unnoticed. Mostly come out in the mornings or if something is in her eye. If she is inside then taken to the sunny outside she can have an accumulation. Stress also does it, if she is attached to a family member that left for vacation or business trip the goobs come out. These normal excretions are not damaging. Also, check her eye lids to be sure there is no hair in the eyes. If she was not bred right she can be a victim of Ectropia (eyelids roll outward) or Entropia (eyelids roll inward). Entropian eyes are less noticeable except for runny eyes and boogers. If her eyelids are ok and the previously mentioned scenarios are ruled out then it is most likely a seasonal allergic reaction and a saline solution would be a good thing to drop in her eyes. I wouldn't worry about it if its not Ectropia/Entropia.

  3. It could be an eye's a good idea that you are going to the vet tomorrow.  Are the eyes just really booger filled or are they irritated as well?  If they are red, it could be could also just be allergies.  Hopefully the vet will give you eye drops.  I would wipe the boogers out for now and just apply very slight pressure to the eyes with a clean damp paper towel to alleviate any irritation.

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