
Rottweiler with a tail ?

by  |  earlier

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why is it that small minded people think my Rottweiler is a cross because he has a tail. i know we're all used to seeing them docked bet isn't it time we changed our views? it is part of the spine after all.




  1. i have two rotties both with tails,its the way they were born it should be the way they stay. i agree with everyone here that says its cruel. the idiot that said he is a mutt mixhasn'tt got a clue, its people like that who would do it.x

  2. I'm with you..think its mean to cut off their tails.  Picturing it...probably looks cool.

  3. Rottweiler is a working breed, the tail is docked to prevent injuries from happening, it would be alot more painful if the dog injured the tail and had to have it amputated when the dog was full grown....also it is standards, and standards are only changed by BYBs...the tails are docked at only a couple days old, before the nerves are developed, its not cruel and not very painful at all. the tails heal very fast.

  4. Most people are ignorant about dogs thats why. They think that dogs such as rottweilers, boxers, dobermans etc are born without tails. They dont realize that all of these dpgs have their tails chopped off when days old. So when they see any of these breeds with a natural tail they think it can not be a pure breed.

  5. Awe! I have sadly never seen a Rottie with a tail! It's rare! :)

    My AmStaffs have natural tails and ears, and I am proud of it! Of course, we got them adopted, so we didn't have a choice in that or not. :)

  6. he probably is a mutt, mix

  7. My rottie had a tail, no one thought that she was a cross. She was a beautiful dog.

  8. Sorry you've been affected by the ignorance of others! It will take time for people to get over the concept of letting dogs keep their tails. Just ignore them in the meantime, unless you've got the patience to very slowly and clearly explain how dogs are born with tails and sane people let them keep them.


  9. Most people have never seen a newborn Rottie and they don't realize that they are born with long tails

  10. Dobbermans and Rotts used to get the tails and ears cropped years ago. No need to have them done unless you are going to show the dog. Let the poor dog keep his parts. I think showing them, they should be able to keep the tail and the ears. Yes it is time to change the way we view this.

  11. I feel you.  My undocked spaniel is also mistaken for a setter mix because of his beautifully feathered tail.

    My dog is a much loved pet and I'm assuming your Rottie is the same as well.  In my opinion the only dogs that should be docked are true working dogs where a docked tail can benefit them on the field.  Docking for vanity's sake is sick.

  12. Finally someone who believes in keeping their dog natural and pain free. people sometimes dock tails to make their dogs look fierce and evil and thts not on. I would understand if the dog was needing surgery on the tail and the best thing would be to dock it but anyone who docks it for the looks is jus evil.

  13. I hate people who dock tails. Rotties have a lovely tail , they are born with it. Who are these people who think they can mutilate a dog and all the stupid ones who think it is okay to do so.

    Finally it is illegal in the UK and most of Europe

  14. I get the same thing all the time. I have 2 great danes.  I declined to have thier ears cropped preferring the natural floopy ears. I personally feel the cropping would have been mean. (If it bleeds that much it must hurt ) . Very often people comment that my "Weimaraner" is beautiful ( My 130lb Weimeraner!!?! ) and when referring to my 5mth old pup they all say I have a beautiful Lab >> LOL I inform them she is 5 mths old and laugh to myself. For what it is worth all thier comments add up to the fact that my babies are still beautiful eye catchers.  I can take the opportunity to strike a conversation. Most people when hearing they are greatdanes have questions and I can take the time to inform / teach  about greatdanes.

  15. lots of pure bred rottwhilers are born every day with tails. the majority of them have their tails removed shortly after birth.

  16. poeple are cruel

  17. good for you for not having your dog's tail chopped off, i mean docked.

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