
Rough Friday. Help Please!?

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This is like the third time I've asked this same question, but I seem to get more answers the more I do it.

It was the second day of school today. Last year was sixth grade and no one seemed to like me, I got made fun of almost every day, and was just the laughingstock of the world over there. Everyone said I was ugly, and I think I'm fairly pretty. This year, I wanted to go to seventh grade and have things be different. There are different kids in the school. So after today I sit down and think about my day and my so called "friend" doesn't listen to me when I talk, and she turns around and makes fun of me for no reason. Forget her, but my main problem is, it's all the same! everyone hates me, and I KNOW that the guy I like likes me back cause his best friend told me and he won't ask me out or say yes when I asked him only because he'd be embarassed to go out with me.

Because of that, all my friends had boyfriends in fourth grade except me. I'm the only girl in my school who's never had a boyfriend. Any advice? I need it to make it through another tough year.

The reason I don't seem happy with myself is because I feel like I'm not good enough to be respected by kids.

I'm not a bad person. I'm nice and funny, and no one seems to realize that, or even if they do realize it, they don't care.




  1. Become more outgoing. try to stop caring what other people think, theyre probably thinking everyone hates them too, and feel lonely, your young, you will eventually have a wonderful caring boyfriend. don't rush it, or you may end up dating someone totally wrong for you. try new activites, sports ect, and try talking to the guy you like, but become friends with him first, and dont make too obvious you like him or you'll seem to eager. try to enjoy the school year, and meet new people, talk to new people, even if you think you have nothing in common you never know, you could be sitting next to your new best friend. everyone does NOT hate you. i promise. and trust me alot of other kids feel exactly how you feel. you'll get through this xoxox

  2. find new friends just be urself  dont pay attention to wat others say lifes to short  to worry about little things like that.

  3. show me a pic

    ill tell u

    and i havent had a bf and im in 10th

    so relax


    enjoy life

    be trendy

    dont be a nerd

    wear makeup


  4. the person who made fun of you that you called a friend is a jerk. i was made fun of in 6th too. a boy started a rumor that i was gothic, and at first it was a joke between me, him and another boy. both boys were very popular, me not so much. i lost my popularity in the beginning of the 6th before the whole gothic controversy. but enough about me, i became friends with other people, and those were the people who helped me through it, they helped me realize that even though the boys who started the rumors were popular , that doesnt mean i have to like them. im gonna enter 9th grade this year, and to this day i still hate those 2 boys. when i graduated from 8th grade this year, i was the only person who didnt cry, only cuz i knew i was gonna get a second chance, i would get to meet new people and forget about those losers. my advice to you, is that even though they are making fun of you, that doesnt mean u cant have a good time. love yourself even if they dont, if they dont like you, then they are missing out on a great friend. when they make fun of you, just remember they are low life freaks who have nothing better to do than make fun of someone who is obviously better than them. they are obviously just jealous of you. your better than them ;]

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