
Rough day at school. Girls Only! Any Advice?

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It was the second day of school today. Last year was sixth grade and no one seemed to like me, I got made fun of almost every day, and was just the laughingstock of the world over there. Everyone said I was ugly, and I think I'm fairly pretty. This year, I wanted to go to seventh grade and have things be different. There are different kids in the school. So after today I sit down and think about my day and my so called "friend" doesn't listen to me when I talk, and she turns around and makes fun of me for no reason. Forget her, but my main problem is, it's all the same! everyone hates me, and I KNOW that the guy I like likes me back cause his best friend told me and he won't ask me out or say yes when I asked him only because he'd be embarassed to go out with me.

Because of that, all my friends had boyfriends in fourth grade except me. I'm the only girl in my school who's never had a boyfriend. Any advice? I need it to make it through another tough year.




  1. Make new friends!!!!!!

    No offense but, do not let them be losers. Get a new style, wear some makeup, play a little hard to get, be mysterious to people, HAVE ALOT OF HUMOR.

    Makeup=masscara, eyeliner, and a little eyeshadow(color of your choice.)

    Style=Wear bellbottom jeans(tight), cute tight shirts and maybe try some different shoes out. Depends on the new group you get with.


    Hope this helps.

  2. Wow, boyfriends in the fourth grade?

    That's MESSED UP. You're practically a baby still!

    This is nonsense!

    You don't need a boyfriend, you're only in the seventh grade for crying out loud! And if he's too embarrassed to go out with you, he isn't worth your time of day.

    If you think you're pretty and they think you aren't, then forget them. Make friends with people that don't care about appearances and then you'll be happy. Don't worry, it'll get better, but high school generally is a rollercoaster.

    Good luck!

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