
Rough draft poem I reside?

by  |  earlier

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I reside in a place where tears do not grow and selfish thoughts feel up my empty "soul" .

I stand in a mind set of a leader, betrayer and all of the things "dark" that build my emotions layers .

I live in a soul where my lips can't be "kissed",touched and my heart is locked and shrouded by mist .

I reside in a place where my biggest fears are my biggest goals and my real emotions are never told .

I reside in insanity adjacent to the mirror to stay sane , picture painted perfectly for where it resides in the human brain .




  1. It feels like you strained to get this out.  It is almost hard to get through it.  I like something about the third line.  But stop doing the quotes.

  2. i like it... dark... original... keep writing there is still room for improvement but the overall idea is cool... Please go to my profile and my questions and read my poetry... please comment... thanks!

  3. ehhhh i dont like the structure or the use of quotes. honestly, i didn't even read it. fix it uppp & then i will ; )

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