
Rough skin round nails? my fingers nails are so dry and hard round the edges..

by  |  earlier

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i end up bitting the skin and now they look bad. i use hand and nail cream but its not helping to soften the edges..any ideas on how to fix this>??




  1. try dove hand one for in the day time and night one obviously for night time...and stop biting the skin. obviously it will take a while before you see the benefits, it doesn't happen over night, but it should work

  2. Have you tried good ol' vaseline?  It is great on skin.

  3. I have an old recipe that my mom and grandmother used to use, heat a little bit of olive oil (but don't heat too much) and squeeze a few lemon drops on top. Use a piece of cotton to soak and distribute on your nails and cuticles. You should feel the difference right away, and day after day your nails and the skin around will improve.

    It's natural, green and works

    Good luck

  4. try eating jello,  it will help because it contains lecithin that is

    good for the nails..... it did good for me....  Before bed wash

    your hand and dry, try using hand lotion and massage for 10 mins

    of course the nails also... the wear one of those plastic hand

    cloves to concile the freshness....  if you sleep with those own,

    the more the better.   results in few days....

  5. I have the same problem. I finally went and had a manicurist give me a manicure and it was brand new hands for me! To maintain them, they recommend using cuticle oil instead of lotion.

  6. rub almond oil in b4 bed and put some white cotton gloves on, u can get these from pharmacys

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