
Rough spots on babys skin?

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So here lately I have noticed that on my 3 month old son there are rough spots on his skin. His arms and legs. They are kinda like very very VERY light red patches. I mean you can barely see them and feel the "roughness" But I notice because he is my son...ya end up examining their body and notice every little thing lol. He is not in any pain. I don't believe it bothers him. I do not put lotion on him every night after a bath...about every 3 baths I do. So maybe I need to put more lotion on maybe? I give him a bath everynight because of him spitting up and stuff... I don't want him to stink. I know how they say that babies do not need baths maybe that is why? You wouldn't think so though. So not sure if anyone else knows what the problem is or if your baby has had this problem. He has his 4 month checkup in 3 weeks. Oh... and I use the johnsons & johnsons lavendar I think it is called..night time stuff for the bath and lotion.




  1. He probably has eczema. Its just dry skin, but is very itchy. I bath my son every night also, but I put lotion on him every night. If I were you I would try that. I use aveno lavender soothing lotion. But, the lotion you are using is probably good. They say not to bath them everyday because it removes their natural oils. But, I hear ya on the whole stinky thing. If I sat in pee and poo and spit up on myself all day i would want a bath before bedtime also.  Just lotion him up everyday, he will probably feel much better.  

  2. my son had the same thing.. super dry skin.. almost excema.. buy a tub of cetaphil.. lotion him 2 or more times a day.. you'll see it go away in just a few days ..if it gets worse take him to the doctor for something prescribed... my peditrician say baby lotions are the worst.. they only smell good

  3. It sure sounds like eczema to me.  My son has it.  Your son needs moisture.  Until you can take him to his 4 month checkup, I would bathe him maybe every other day.  You can bathe him every day if you like…just don't leave him in the water too long.  After a few minutes your body is no longer taking in's loosing it.  So if his little fingers and toes start to wrinkle while in the tub...he has been in too long.   Use natural soaps if you can.  For my son, I found a natural oatmeal soap in the health food store.  Very mild and very soothing.  There are natural baby soaps out there as well.  I think Johnson and Johnson has a few natural baby or unscented mild soaps for babies.  By the way, most people think Ivory soap is a good mild's not.  Don't use that soap on him.

    Immediately after you take him out of the tub...apply lotion.  I was instructed to use Cetaphil.  That worked OK...but I am big on natural products so I have switched to using extra virgin coconut oil on my son.  It works very well with out the chemicals a lot of commercial lotions seem to contain.  At his can use either one.  

    The coconut oil you can find in your local market in the cooking oil section.  I try to get the organic...and make sure the coconut oil is labeled virgin or extra virgin.  That way it hasn't gone through any processes that take away from its natural properties.  Use the lotion/oil at least twice a day.  

    If your son seems to be uncomfortable due to the dry patches (which may be itchy) you can buy a hydrocortisone cream at the drug store.  Try to use the 0.5 percent first and than work your way up if the 0.5 doesn't seem to work.   They have several different kinds out…I think some even contain aloe vera.  

    Keep in mind…eczema could also be caused by (so the doctors say) an allergic reaction to his environment or to the food/formula your son is eating.  Good Luck….

  4. that is called exsema, you can get a prescription cream to help it heal but if it's not bad I would just keep putting lotion on it

  5. My daughter had it and still get it sometimes (at 3 1/2 months). Her doctor said to either put some lotion or some vaseline (petroleum jelly) on the dry patch. I used a little of both and that really helped.

  6. It sounds like eczema.  If that's the case, frequent bathing can worsen it b/c it dries out the skin.  Try the Aveeno baby products for eczema, including the oatmeal bath and bathe him every other night.  If that doesn't work, you may need a prescription.

  7. That does sound like eczema.  My son has it just on the backs of his knees.  We use the Aveeno Soothing Relief Moisture Cream and Triple Paste.  (One is near his changing table and we put it on 3 times a day, and the other is in the bathroom for after baths, which we do every other night.)  They are both fantastic and the dry patches have been looking and feeling great since 24 hours after we started a regular lotion routine.

    We also stopped using the scented bath products (yes, even the baby-friendly products) in case they were exacerbating the problem.

  8. Sounds like Eczema.  My baby nephew had it really bad, on his arms, legs and face.  We couldn't figure out why he was getting it.  After researching, we found that Eczema can be caused by an irritation, or even an allergic type reaction to something.  We finally ended up switching the laundry detergent to All Free and Clear, which has no perfumes or dyes, and used an over the counter Hydrocortizone cream 2 times a day (because Eczema itchs) and the Eucurin lotion for moisture 3 times a day.  If your baby has really sensitive skin, try to skip out on baths everyday, and reduce them to every 2 - 3 days (of course still washing his little booty!! :-)  )

    Now as far as the doctors wanting you to bring him in, it's because they need to see if it is a rash of some sort.  Everything will be okay though.

  9. Aveeno baby cream works well on those patches.  it is just baby excema.  Emma gets a patch every great once in a while.  Blonde hair, light complexion babies get it easy.

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