
Roughly how many cans of red bull would it take to make you ill?

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I think the normal can of red bull is 250ml

Its not how many i could drink before feeling sick or anything like that... i was just wandering how much caffein your body could take before you become ill..




  1. Well how much water you have in your system will make a bit of a difference. However a recent study was published showing that those that took in 300 mg of caffeine a day started to suffer from health conditions related to excess caffeine. Some effects are noticed immediately like dehydration. Dehydration can cause headaches and feeling tired and run down. Other conditions took a while to develop and often included many of our organs.

  2. could be one in which there is some foreign object therein. You could ingest it - making you ill.

    So could be 1.

    On average...6 cans at once... depending on your immune system...

  3. I've never tried a red bull.

  4. Well it depends what u mean do u mena how much a day, week, year, life time .

    im really young and i have up to for cans a week.

    i fink it wud take upto 6 a day or sumin

    but after 2 cans the same day i feel really tired and hot.

    am havin one now lol .

    its tastes so gud so f*k that lol.

    im 13 btw ;p x

  5. 4 and you will feel negative effects

  6. 1

  7. Just one for me. That c**p tastes like chapstick.

  8. depends how well you could take it. if you are first time drinker maybe like 4-5 but if you built up a tolerance to it maybe up to 10

  9. 6

  10. probs quite a lot :/

  11. between 6 and 8. everyone is different i drink 3 and i get a bit shaky then i'll be up all night

  12. Just the one, then again some people actually like it....

  13. i drank 6 cans of red bull at the weekend and felt very ill, but i think that was due to the ammount of vodka i put in it!!!

  14. just the one mrs wembley, that stuff is so not good for you :-(

  15. I don't know how many will many you ill, but I can tell you how many will kill you. If you weigh 11 stone, 131.38 cans should do it. But I wouldn't recommend trying it.

  16. From my experience about 5.

  17. honestly it depends on ur weight and howmuch u can handle i drank 4 monster and wsa ok my friend drank 1 and a half and got sick  but prob 4 5 or 6

  18. Just one sip of red bull would make me ill.  Its disgusting!  I did used to like it before I drunk too much vodka red bull one night and was very sick indeed!  It doesn't taste very nice on the way back up!

  19. I dunno but I drank 20 in Thailand one night and they're stronger and I felt just fine,perky but fine!

  20. *LOL* It only takes one for me.

  21. depends on the person, what you are used to ingesting. the smell alone of it makes me want to chuck up.

  22. Well I made a bet with my friends that I can drink 10 cand of Red Bull I was about to ouke on the 8th one

    So I guess it depends on how much you drink

    But is you fell ill STOP

  23. 10 is to high

    id say 5 is a good number before u get ill

    but u dont want to get ill so stick with 1 a day at most

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