
Roughly how many trees are clear cut each year?

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Just as estimate is fine. And I would either like to know how many trees are clear cut all over the world, or JUST in Canada.




  1. How may people are cut from the football team. Yet everyone here finds football team cuts more important. Funny.

  2. Every year the size of Wales is cut down in South America.

    Don't know about the whole world.

  3. Doesn't Canada have a Forest Service?  They should be able to give the acreage that is clear cut, by the way clear cutting is necessary in some stands, depending on how fast the timber regenerates.  Aspen stands where I live are clear cut because they fully regenerate in around 30 years. There may be certain tracts of timber that are diseased or infestation has set in you have to clear cut to stop the spread of diseases or infestation.   Unfortunately to much of the lorax is Incorporated into our schools without presenting the facts on why we harvest timber, and how to do it correctly  which benefits the forest and us.

  4. 10,000 years ago, more than 40 percent of Earth was covered by forests. But people have cleared away trees for timber, farming, and building. Now only 10 percent of the world's trees are in tack.

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    Wost defortisation countries...

    1 Nigeria 55.7%

    2 Viet Nam 54.5%

    3 Cambodia 29.4%

    4 Sri Lanka 15.2%

    5 Malawi 14.9%

    6 Indonesia 12.9%

    7 North Korea 9.3%

    8 Nepal 9.1%

    9 Panama 6.7%

    10 Guatemala 6.4%

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