
Roughly how much should a manager of a Scuba Dive shop in a third world country get paid?

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I am applying for a managment job of a scuba dive shop, and they are asking me how much I am expecting to get paid. I have an MBA and a couple years of property managment experience, but no idea how much I should be asking for...




  1. Wow, that's tough.  It would entirely depend on what third world country (cost of living there etc).  What I would do is call other dive shops and tell them your interested in managing one and ask what they feel their salary range would be that's really the only way.  If I was you and I had to guess blind I'd ask for 40K.

  2. 40K you must be joking. If it's a third world country - unless you are at a posh tourist resort [ like Sandels] you will be lucky to get 12K

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