
Roughly what jobs does the jobcentre offer?

by  |  earlier

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I've been trying Retail shops, 9/10say they don't need one, and the rest never get back to me, I'm begining to loose hope!! lol

I'm going back to college this september and really want a job till then, Roughly what jobs does the jobcentre offer me? I don't mind doing anything, just i'd prefer to be a little aware first, I'm 16 only experience is working at Primark for two weeks along with my GCSEs, including maths & english,

Many thanks, =)




  1. the jobcentre offers all kinds of jobs. you should go down and check it out.

  2. they offer everything, but normally i find theres not much on retail but i guess it depends on your area


  3. Hi follow the link in the above post for the job centre,indeed they do have all sorts of jobs,on the other hand if your near a job centre they have new machines that you can select the type of jobs your interested in via a touch screen and then print the details on its own terminal these machines are easier to navigate than the net based job search,otherwise choose a day look tidy and with a confident polite attitude ask at your local retail outlets of any jobs on offer or enrole in a job agency and you will find a job in no time at all,im sure if you followed one of these options and you start your quest at 10am you would manage to get on the p**s by 3pm.....Good luck

  4. They do offer quite a lot if you go into the local jobcentre and

    have a look on their computer points. Don't be afraid to ask

    for help they will show you how to work them.

    Best thing to do is to go to your nearest shopping centres

    and have a wonder around and look for notices by the door,

    thats where they usually put vacancies up or if you really

    want to work somewhere particular, go in and ask.

    Good Luck...

  5. Bad low paid jobs. Go direct to retailers and keep asking and if they don't have immediate vacancies, fill out an application form and they will keep it on file.

    Avoid Tesco, but Marks and Spencer and Morrisons are good employers. Oh, and try cinemas - easy jobs!!!! However, you could go for office assistant roles too (which would be better with your GCSE's).

    Good luck!!

  6. Shops



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