
Roulette dealers hitting same numbers.?

by  |  earlier

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I was playing roulette yesterday and this one dealer kept hitting the numbers 28 -36 on a consistant basis. He left the table the streak stopped and then came back and the streak started again. I'd say about 80 percent of his spins landed on 3rd 12. When I discovered this I played only those numbers by putting dollar chips and hit like 6 out of 8 times.

My question is has anyone ever heard of certain dealers being able to always hitting a section because of the way they throws the ball or was this just a huge coincedence. In the end I wish was playing with 5 dollars at time instead of 1 but I still won like two hundred.




  1. Simple physics?

    It's a question that has been going around casino staff rooms for years. You get lots of people claiming they can but I've had a $100 up for grabs for the last ten years on offer to anyone who can hit the number they call.

  2. On a legit wheel, a dealer has no control over where the ball lands.  Anyone who tells you different is blowing smoke up your rear.  This was just a coincidence.  Even if a dealer was somehow skilled enough to land the ball within a chosen 1/4 of the wheel, which he can't but let's say he can for argument's sake, even if he could do this, the numbers on a wheel are sufficiently randomized so that even in that 1/4 of the wheel there are even numbers of black/red, 1st/2nd/3rd third, etc. so he would have to be choosing an exact number to hit and somehow relaying that info to a bettor.  The casino's security would catch onto this within hours, guaranteed.

  3. it can definitely be done by hitting a 1/4 of the wheel...called a wheel speed and spin speed. Thats why dealers are taught to vary the ball speed and the wheel speed. The casino manager knows this. but its hard to find someone who can do it and even then it wont last long as a good casino supervisor should notice a section continually hit and will tell the dealer to vary the speed of the wheel and spin or another dealer will soon pop in. but 28-36 is all over the wheel. that would be pretty tough. an exact number to be hit is very hard but to get within 4-5 numbers of each side of a certain number can positively be done with consistent wheel and ball speed. but every now and then it hits a ridge and bounces away. not easy to find someone who can do it or willing to do it.

  4. it is absolutely possible.  The dealer knows the speed at which the wheel is turning and can control the speed at which he moves the ball, so by letting go of the ball when the wheel is at a certain point (lets say when 00 reaches his hand), he can make the ball land in a certain quadrant of the wheel.  It is simple physics.  

    This is why players are not allowed to use handheld electronic devices at the table, because they would be able to calculate the probable landing area based on the physics described above.

  5. It just sounds like a weird coincidence...

  6. they pick a number on the wheel where the ball hits and they time it as the ball goes round 80% pos.

  7. I don't think a dealer is capable of this.  Even if you could make the ball land in the same quarter of the wheel, the numbers are very random on the wheel.

    Also those bright score boards on the table that show the last 20 spins, actually record every single spin, and alert the casino if the results are not truly random over time.

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