
Round 1 gone into rd2 who else is loving the fact footy is back?

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even though the mighty blues got beat by the tigers last week and will pobably go down to the saints this week - im really enjoing foty season already.




  1. ilove the hawks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    we beat the blues like every time we play u like beat u by 100 points 2 so we are soooo much betta

    than the navy blues

  2. Other than the Swannies battering my Power, it's been an entertaining season so far.. I'm just glad I can stream the games on my mobile with Unlimited Mobile Internet through T-Mobile here in the States.. Now if we can just get the footy back on TV here, even if it's the delayed highlights show..

  3. lovin every minute of it. Doggies got up, my tipping (8/8) for rd1 was exceptional. but best of all   F O O T Y       I S      B A C K.  Bring on rd2

  4. Mate I am loving it, having a win first up too was great (sorry) and I am tipping pretty well so far too. Hopefully i can get to Subi when the Tiges play here.

    I dont think Dees fans will be very glad to see footy back though....

  5. Bloody oath mate

    Got a new 50" plasma to watch it on

    Hawks are looking good

    Local comp starts next weekend

    Yes mate love my footy

  6. I'm so passionate about the footy, I'm glad it's back.  I can sit and watch any game that's on the TV or better still going to the G and absorbing the atmosphere and a few beers.  

    Forky, sorry about the Blues last

  7. I am really loving the footy so far (well not so sure about some of the ridiculous score lines).  I think the worst thing to put up with is when the season finishes.  Severe withdrawal symptoms.    I love those Friday night games and watching as many other games as I can through Austar.  Hope Judd starts to do alright for you (as long as it is not against the Swanees!).  Nice to see a faithfull supporter out there.  Maybe more Melbourne supporters should come out of the woodwork to support their team and maybe they'll get up and win some games as the season wears on.

  8. h**l yea! I love me footy!!!!!!!!!!! Go the PIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I get withdrawal symptoms late October each year.

    This year - I discovered Fantasy Football which makes watching it even better.

    It's like eating hot chips then discovering gravy.

  10. Absolutely the best time of the year.and i LOVE beating my husband in the footy picks each week.....a good feeling !!! lol

  11. im glad that the footy is back, even better when ya team gets up

  12. Footy is always good to have back on the air,especially when your team wins the first round-GO THE CATS 2008

  13. forky mate who isnt loving it?

  14. Tis the season to be jolly..Lah,lahla, lah. I'm loving it. Footy tips hasn't started great, but that's the norm for me. I will start to progress nicely as the season goes on. Carn The Crows!!!!!

  15. can i just say, ken oathe, it has been a long summer, i go mad waiting for the footy to come back every year.

    sick of those crazy indians in the crcket section.

    you'd have to agree fork, mad they are.

  16. I sure am liking this years footy heaps

  17. It was long off season thank god its over and now I am looking forward to a better year than last which shouldn't be to hard after the year the Eagles had.

  18. yes me too

  19. course im happy im a HAWKS FAN.

  20. I'm lovin every miniute of the footy

  21. Absolutely loving it!!!  Used to go to the footy to watch my beloved Tigers each weekend and now since moving interstate, I have to watch on TV.   Where would we be without FOX Sport hey?? My family think I'm crazy yelling at the TV !! :)

  22. Hey Forky, I will get to listen to Geelong Saturday night here in Kansas vs. Essendon.

    Thanks to Andrew the Rocket Scientist, I cannot watch it on television!!!!!

  23. yeah i really love football and enjoy watching it when i can i dont go 4 the blues but it was a good game. my fav is pies(collingwood)

  24. I'm absolutely loving the footy! ....Well if crows win today i will be XD


  25. Yep it's pretty good!!!

    I have not enjoyed it this much ever,because now I have all you guys to share it with.

    I love the rivalry!!!  lol

  26. gotta love the footy season ... get all the boys and some of the girls around have a feed and yell at the tv .. a great time had by all ....  GO THE BLUE BAGGERS

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