
Round-a-bouts or Traffic Lights???

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Pros and Cons of each. Which do you prefer??




  1. Round-a-bouts are really bad on rims and tires.  Have you looked at all the black marks and chunks out of the curbs in a round-a-bout lately?  Also you get these super timid drivers that will sit there until someone give them an invitation to hop into the circle... stopping traffic and pissin me off.  Then, you have the people that don't know (or don't care) what YIELD means.

  2. Traffic lights- Pros: Effecient for smaller areas with high traffic volumes. More known throughout the US. Cons: Known for having large amount of fatality accidents (People running red lights, turning on red, or going out of control), high pollution area from cars sitting at red lights.

    Roundabouts - Pros: constantly keep the flow of traffic going, reduce greenhouse gases from cars and require no electricity, reduced rate of accidents (only minor accidents, very little fatality) Cons: WINTER DRIVING! US drivers are not courteous and run through yield signs with no regards to who has the right of way.

    Personally, I prefer roundabouts so I'm not stuck sitting at a stoplight for what seems to be a mind numbing amount of minutes. Plus, of all the accidents I've had, they've all involved people running red lights.

  3. Traffic lights or stop signs because few where I live can figure out the round-a-bout so it just makes things more of a cluster.

  4. i like traffic lights, only because im used to them.  I can never switch lanes in time in a round-a-about, then i get dizzy, then frustrated, and just when im about to wreck someone see's my signal and lets me in.

  5. traffic lights can be timed so you never stop..

    round abouts are good for slowing traffic and causing wrecks

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