
Route 66 Cross country trip? Length? Do-able?

by Guest45191  |  earlier

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Ok, so I've always wanted to travel rt. 66... but I'm in MD, so I'd have to get to Chicago to start, then make my way down to Santa Monica. But I have no idea of where to start, if its do-able, cost, time, etc... First, how long would a 3000 mile trip take? I guess the only possible time (besides now, summer, which is a no) would maybe be winter break? Im starting college this fall, and admit i have no idea how all the breaks and terms and whatnot work... So having the time is a biggy. I mean I assume I have a decent sized winter break... The other thing. Cost. I drive an 88' Ford Festiva, and yea its a junker, and yea a lot of people would think me crazy for thinking of driving it cross country, but the thing is indestructable and has taken me everywhere up and down the east coast. And it gets like 40 mpg, so thats nice. I do have a 500-ish lb popup I might pull, to save on hotels...not to say ive pulled anything in the festiva before (Im getting a hitch put on in a week). SO...what would I be getting myself into? I mean the car is practically brand new, just 241,000 miles ;). But really, i think it could do it. Could it be do-able? Just in general, what do you think? Oh, and add maybe 1 or 2 more friends and a lot of luggage, and maybe a bike rack on the back. (maybe a roof rack for the luggage?)




  1. I've driven by myself from Chicago to Phoenix on the freeways, and it's a good solid 3-4 days each way driving, without many breaks.

    To do it on Rte. 66, I would add at least a day to the one-way trip.

    Finally, to use a Ford Festiva with over 200k miles on it to go across country towing a trailer is insanity.

    Rte 66. is a really interesting road to cruise, though.  Make the trip if you can, just don't be dumb about your transportation.


  3. Anything is doable when you want to do it. I also want to take the Route 66 drive when I can. But when I was doing some research in the state maps of the road atlas, the route has been pretty much swallowed up by the interstates. There may be some access roads along the interstates but there are very few U.S. 66 roads to drive on.  Along N.M. and AZ are the remaining mapped routes visible I could see. But one can never find out for sure unless he takes a personal look. As for your auto, the Festiva may be able to take the trip but if you have interstate the majority of the time, can your little clunker continue a steady 70-75 mph without impeading others or decide to behave like a Yugo? It will take time, what with a 3000 mile one way and a 4000 plus return trip home, where you are stopping for rest, possible breakdowns and scenic pauses. It's a challenge but the explorers did it. Why can't you?

  4. I am heading out on Sunday from LA, following Route 66 up to St. Louis, before heading to West Virginia. We have scheduled four days for this. Two nights in motels and one night at a friend's place.

    By the way, the extra hassle of camping, all the extra junk you have to take for camping and the extra fuel consumption, barely makes it worth while to not stay in motels. And if your trailer gets a flat (very common in desert heat), you will spend more than you would save anyway. As well, as the driver of an old car myself, an 88 Dodge Aries, the extra strain of pulling a trailer in the 100+ degree heat, will likely just kill your car.

    When I drove the 15 in from Vegas to LA in June, it was 112F going between Barstow and the Cajon Pass. We circled through Death Valley then too where it was 119F.

    Just remember that if you go in the summer you will have at least three days driving in 100+F heat. The luggage load you are thinking of taking will put a terrible strain on such a small car.

    We're off in my daughter's car, a 2005 Chevy Cavalier and everything she will need for a year at college will fit in the trunk. Pack as light as possible.  

  5. stay home and save money = invest stop chasing your wallet

  6. Let me tell ya one thing, or maybe three or even more.

    Yes, it is doable and worth the doing.  Not in the winter months though and not without some planning.  You ARE only going to be young once, trust me the years WILL melt away faster than a snowcone in a Texas July.  It will, or at least can be, one of those things you will remember in future years with fond memories and a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.

    Your car will serve you just fine, keep it maintained, it may just be the best thing for this excursion you are contemplating,,, but do not load it down excessively.  Hold down on the luggage as well, a bag per person is quite adequate; laundry facilities exist, use them.  

    Camping is a great way to slow the pace of the trip,,, the destination is only a very small part of the equation.  The seeing and experiencing is what you want and that is not possible going like a bat out've h**l with your tail on fire.  Take time to stop along the way, historical sites, views, people, diners and truck stops and just to look around to see what there is to see.

    This kind've trip deserves to be savoured.  Memories, at least not good memories, are not built from interstate exit signs.  Research the old route, learn as much as you can from the experiences of others, then incorporate that into your trip planning.  Don't rush the planning either.  Look at ideas, discard some, keep others, build the trip in a way that suits you.

    The ideal time in my mind to set off on this adventure is next spring, just after classes are out and you are free to unwind for a few weeks.  The weather along the route will be ideal and spring weather is just awesome both for camping and driving.   Yes, I said weeks.  Head west on Rt. 66 then when you hit the coast, turn north and come back via a different route with different sights and experiences.

    A very worthwhile adventure indeed.


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