
Route plan from hemel hempstand england to lattes south of france le lac des reves?

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Route plan from hemel hempstand england to lattes south of france le lac des reves?




  1. With the 2 above, it's pretty done. Just consider buying a road map of France once in France, and certainly a local road map of the area you will stay at.

    Michelin and IGN are the 2 most serious map publishers in France

  2. Hi

    I've done this trip a few times.

    There is a quick way and a pretty (and quieter) way !


    UK : M1, M25, M20.

    France (quick) : A26, A5, A31, A6,  A7, A9

    This route misses Paris. Hit Lyon at a quiet time and reckon 9 hrs Calais - Lattes.

    France (pretty and quieter) : A26, A1, Francilienne ( A10, A71, A75

    This route takes the outer ring East of Paris which starts at CDG. (Note, some go west round Paris - I've tried it, but got lost !) It then goes through Massif Central, crosses the Millau bridge and leads pretty well directly to Lattes. Not quite finished at the Montpellier end. But, it is free after Clermont Ferrand ! Normally 10+ hrs to Calais.

    Some notes if you decide to stop on the way :


  3. Both of these will give you online maps, routes, directions and a host of other things too :

  4. One, buy a GOOD sat-nav, two,web sight Michelin Route finder. tip hamel to tunnel or ferry. arrival port to your le lac des,IF you do it this way you should get a lay out of the route, which will include speed camaras etc. then print route. doing something simmular in two weeks time. (i had to put e.g cherbourg in as post code but it worked)

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