
Router's running fine for 3 years...any reason to upgrade firmware?

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I have a Linksys Wireless Router with Speed Booster WRT54GS that I bought in the Summer 2005. The manual said, in essence, "if it works, don't upgrade the firmware." It works just fine. It's their product, but, am I missing any possible security patches or such by not doing this? Perhaps I'm not grasping the concept of what an actual firmware update does?

All comments and advice appreciated.




  1. No, don't upgrade the firmware. The firmware is the code that your router runs on. If you aren't having problems with your router there is no reason to upgrade it. Generally companies will post a text document with a firmware upgrade which tells you exactly what has been changed.

  2. The actual saying is,  "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." and the next statement, " if it ain't broke and you do fix it, it will be broke!"

    (sorry for the "ain't"  I'm from Texas for all those puritans..use "isn't" in that area!)

    I disagree with Dan, just a a little about routers. The MAIN reason firmware is patched on linksys units is routing incompatibilities and updates, not security.  Firmware updates usually change the way the router responds to other internet equipment and traffic. If an ISP changes his systems or equipment you may find you have issues. If that happens you need the update!  

    To test your units security run Shields UP against it!  if all your system is in stealth mode you are fairly safe! So run what you have, if on the other hand there are open ports that you did not open... update the firmware!

    Yes there are some security issues always will be, but a good firewall on your computer, coupled with a NAT router with a good admin password and admin not open to the internet makes a fairly safe setup!

  3. If it's broke don't fix it is usually a good idea however the reason firmware is updated on routers is primarily for security. Hackers are everywhere wanting into your network. It may not be a bad idea a secure network is a happy network! :)  

  4. I have seen more routers destroyed by attempted firmware updates than anything else. I have never found any reason to do one except when a new ISP introduces different protocols (Talk Talk UK being a good example) and no router worked without the upgrade. The inherent security of NAT routing is never going to be improved by any upgrade.

  5. If they themselves say don't mess with it unless you have to, I'd take their word for it.  Granted, if the update is for security reasons, that's probably a definition of "broken" in a sense, but if a firmware update gets interrupted, you could have a dead router.

    Hope that helps.

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