
Router help???????????????????

by  |  earlier

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i bought a router so i could have the internet on 2 pc's instead of just 1, it didnt work, so we are now going to try the modem on the other pc, and try using the router on to my pc, what are the chances it will work?




  1. Hi im not sure as you will just be doing the same thing as before, but you will need to modem/router on the computer that has the internet on it and you will also need an adaptor for your pc to recieve the signal for example in our house

    my brother has the internet he has a bt homehub which is a modem and a router so other people can link up to it, I downstairs has a belkin wireless usb adaptor so I can get the wireless signal from upstairs, all I need is to imput the key so I can recieve it into the belkin wireless thing on my pc and I am all set.

    It wont work if one of you pcs doest have an adapter  

  2. first off .. is the router working with one computer ???

    if so then all you need to do is connect the other pc to it and you will have access to the internet.

    if you cant get acces to the internet on the second pc you will need to check a few settings

    here is a link to my free online computer help site

    this page has all you need to know about how to set up your router and the LAN setting you need to access the internet.

    hope this helps

  3. can you be more specific

  4. Just be sure that you enter the correct details when setting up the router with the ISP username and password. otherwise it will not work either.

  5. Your router setup should be fairly simple. Each brand has a slightly different interface, but the basic concept is the same.

    Where the problems occur are the different internet providers. Depending on the protocol they use to deliver the internet to your home, you have a few different set up options. Also, the US and Japan, are different from Europe. Depending on where you live could also affect the set up.

    Best advice I can give you if you have already tried the setup CD that came with the router, go to the FAQ section of the router manufacturers website. Or use the flowchart that comes with the router. They typically come with easy to follow step by step instructions.

    You are probably just missing a simple step. Retrace your steps and it will most likely work.

  6. 1: connect router to pc via ethernet

    2: insert router cd

    3: complete the steps like enter your internet username and password

    4: you should be done

  7. whack the router in the middle and have one cable lead to one computer, and another lead the the 2nd...

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