
Routine for my two and a half year old?

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I am at home with my two and a half year old and my 3 month old baby. I would like to have a little more routine to our day. ANy suggestions?




  1. I had this same problem. I would suggest watching her behavior throuhgout the day and maybe even writing certain things down. ie: crankiness and time, happy quite play and time, hunger and time.

    It's much easier to make a schedule when your child feels what you are telling them to do at the time. Another suggestion. Early bedtime. This has made my relationship with my husband a lot stronger. We had forgotten how much we needed time with just each other.

  2. i have a relaxed routine, its like this....

    wake up at 7-7:30 breakfast right away

    9:00 snacks

    11:30 lunch

    1:00 Family nap! (my kids love that i call it that and i get to cuddle!, i usually get up after 15 min though)

    2-2:30 wake up

    3:30 snack

    6:00 dinner

    8:00-8:30 bed time

  3. The routine for my kids is almost exactly like the previous post... except my kids sleep longer (about 3 hrs. )

  4. Kat's routine is my routine too but my lil one (he's turning 1 tomorrow) takes a nap again as soon as he wakes up.  He gets up at 7 and goes back to sleep after his bottle until around 830ish...He naps again around noon, and We eat dinner at 7.

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