
Rover cv joint removal?

by  |  earlier

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can some one tell me how to remove the cv joint from a rover 220 1996 as I cant see any clips holding it on .





  1. its either a pull[force out] cv joint of there is a retaining clip holding it in.if you grad the shaft in one had and the joint in the other and pull away from each other you will feel movement,that's where the clip is....pull back the boot,and remove ALL grease as that can cover the clip...loog in the centre around the main shaft,there will be a cutout showing the clip...most likely its an internal circlip that needds forced apart by circlip pliers or 2 small screwdrivers...when pushing the clip apart get a friend the tap off the joint as it sometimes take a knock to remove them...simply tap back on when your done

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