
Rowing help?

by  |  earlier

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I am new to rowing, and in the boat we have a huge height difference. In the bow four, I am about 5'10'' tall, and the stroke is only about 5'4". When we have been going at a race pace for all eight. I feel rushed to go up to the catch and to finish my stroke, so my stroke has been very much less- than- perfect, and I think it is because of the difference of slide lengths. Does anyone have any tips on how to be more efficient while in the boat rowing at around a 30?




  1. I don't know exactly what you're saying so bare with me!-

    You're getting ahead of yourself on the next strokes-?

    Rowing does require patience-and if you don't have it, you will learn. Longer oars are more efficient, but if you don't have these, I suggest making full rowing strokes,-making the end of the oars "hit" as you go back to go again. This can help -by having a rythem.   Good Luck!      And Good Day!

  2. Hummm I find it funny you're in bow cause usually thet tends to be the smaller rowers...

    I would talk to your coach about the problem, send them a e-mail saying just that so they don't respond before your done making your point.  Because I know coaches tend to always think they are right with there decisions when coming to rowing.

    Talk to your coach or coxswain because they need to hear whats going wrong in the boat in order to fix things.  By doing this you will be helping your team out alot

    Good luck with your spring races!  I know right now in the year can be a bit overwelming.
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