
Royal Gramma playing dead?

by  |  earlier

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is this normal behavior? the other night i lost my clown and that same night at about 3am i noticed my RG was not in his lil crave hole where he ALWAYS is. so i thought he died too. i found him at the bottom corner of my tank so i tried to catch him with the net to get him out. he took off as soon as the net touched him and went to the other side and did the same. so i thought what the heck, im tired, if he dies ill get him out in the morning. i woke up again at about 4:30, checked on him again and he was floating on his side at the upper right corner. went back to sleep and come morning, lights are on and hes back in his hole, doing fine. every night since, hes been doing the same thing. excact same spots he goes to. bottom right, then bottom left and back to the upper right. he seriously looks dead every time. is he sleeping or scavanging for food or what is he doing? he NEVER does this during the day and hardly ever is out of his hole.




  1. sounds like he is exploring the tank at times which he is comfortable of doing so

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