
Royal Marines medical and marijuana

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I am a British citizen living in America, and I want to join the Royal Marines. Unfortunately, their website is set up in a way that it will not accept US addresses, so I can’t request any information (and $4 a minute to call is a bit pricey).

My question is during the medical physical, what kind of questions do they ask you? I don’t have asthma, or any allergies, but I know that in the US, the Marines here are asked about any drug usage. Now, I have done marijuana ONCE, and I am afraid this is going to s***w me (again, going off how it is for the American Marines). So do they ask about drugs?




  1. It won't effect anything, be honest!

    Additional info

    The RM couldn't care less if you've tried blow, they're only interested if you are still taking it!

    I should think the American Marines work on a similar basis or there would be few people able to join!

  2. if you've only done it once, i can't see it showing up or anything

    they probably do ask about it

  3. UK armed forces policy (and my experience) is that previous drug use should not affect entry.  Previous drug dependance would, but it doesn't sound like that affects you.

    Regarding phone bills, email them and ask them to call you.  I am sure they will.  Our defence budget is small, but it is enough to pay for a phone call to the states every once in a while (normally to tell them that they're shooting us again.  The Taliban are over there!)

  4. you will pass the drug test. you must smoke 2 or more joints a week to build enough thc in your body.

  5. When you're interviewed they do ask about a history of drug use. It's ok to tell them that you once experimented with "soft" drugs, they won't hold it against you.

    The UK Armed forces do have CDT, Compulsory Drug Testing, the CDT Team arrive at a unit unannounced and carry out 100% testing from the CO down but if you only tried it once this shouldn't worry you.

  6. I doubt there going to turn anyone away because of small drug usage, especially smoking once.  if they did they wouldn't have anyone in the marines, considering most people who join are uneducated and have probably been exposed to that kind of stuff before.  

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