
Royal Marines sniper?

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Is the sniper position in the Royal Marines a job specialization, or just part of a normal, RM rifle unit?





  1. I do not believe it is classed as a trade but a specialisation. See this

  2. it is a specialized job within the rifle unit, there is a course involved, if thats what you mean. a really hard course at that.

  3. It specialized but i think all marine commandos are trained up snipers anyway but to go full sniper involves a lot more specialized training.  Spotting insertion and extraction deep cover and so on.

  4. Alternatively you can apply for the position of Royal Marine s***n and donate your *** to the Seamen for guilty pleasures.

  5. If you check the specialization bit on the official Royal Marines site...

    ... and go to the 'Mountain Leader' specialization you will see that is mentions sniper training which complements all the other training in the Mountain Leader role.

    'Mountain Leader

    As a Mountain Leader, you will be trained in rock climbing, vertical assault, survival skills, SNIPING and escape and evasion techniques so that you can provide longrange reconnaissance for the Royal Marines.'

    So that's pretty much the role of a sniper, reconnaissance and if it calls for it the use of deadly force from the end of the barrel.

    This is the role I'm actually interested in myself xD
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