
Royal family. are they worth the money?

by Guest62087  |  earlier

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Royal family. are they worth the money?




  1. Of course they are, two cracking seasons and a new catch phrase to use at work...............My ****!

    £20 for two dvd's..well worth the money!

  2. yes every penny , we get more from the queen than she gets from us, she gives up land & property that the gov  rent out & make  a lot of money out of then they tax us as well a couple of pounds then they give the royals  so much but its not as much as the gov gets from her land,

  3. no way

  4. YES.

  5. The monarchy are an embarrassment and no one can say for sure how much is spent on them as each government dept. contributes to the upkeep of all the residences, there traveling costs, security, day to day expenses etc. The only thing we can be sure of is they make this country a laughing stock around the world

  6. They are more than worth it. They bring in tourists to the country, provide fascination all over the world that allows tons of products to be sold (e.g. biographies, tabloid stories and pictures). They place their lives in the limelight yet they still continue to run the country. Some of them are even willing to fight for their country even though they don't need to. This is one family who does almost everything. Try eradicating them and look what politicians will do to the country. If people complain about royal families being leeches try living in a country ruled by corrupt politicians (e.g. Philippines) or selfish presidents (e.g. USA). Try to imagine Tony Blair's or Gordon Brown's children going to Afghanistan or Iraq.

  7. Yes they are, per capita the amount is very small, they do no harm. Ed says that he didn't vote for them, but nobody voted for Tony Blair or Gordon Brown to become PM or any other PM ever for that matter. The PM is selected by the party to become leader and then he/she is voted as MP for their constituency but a vote is never held as to who should be PM, it's just the leader of the winning party and in Brown's case it's even more of a tenuous link to the electorate.

  8. Maybe

  9. MP's expenses. Are they too generous? Apples- Pick or gather?

  10. its their money

  11. no.

  12. Did not the real genetic line end with Richard 3rd?

    Why are we funding German Aristocrats?

    I dont want a republic but if they bring in so much cash why dont they live off that?

  13. No,

    Tourist never meet the Queen,

  14. Absolutely.

    Ask any banker.

  15. The Brits think so.

  16. no they are not their riches make me sick when pensioners can,t even afford heat in their homes

  17. Personally, I would not pay any money to see them but foreign tourists that have no royalty of their own seem only too willing to part with their money for a glimpse or some souvenirs.

  18. NO

    -SS (-:Smiling Star-:)

  19. Preserving the traditions of a monarchy, because there are so few left, and because the bulk of British history evolves around monarchies, the British are hesitant to do away with it. It would cause the depletion of all the "royalty" of Earls, Knights, Lords, Dukes, and Duchesses. and completely obliterate a way of life. The British are perfectly willing, (and insistant) to keep the Royal family afloat, regardless of the cost. The cost of keeping the sentiment alive far outweighs the monitary expenses involved.

  20. they represent the old  English tradition, they also bring in huge revenue to the country, plus its English and theirs not much of that anymore.

  21. brit royals by their way of doing things, life style, indolence, arrogance and wastefulness, have made brits the laughing stock of mankind. If they want to be regarded as that, let them keep those royals in power. They'll stay there anyway since they each have one hand in every brits pocket and the other hand over every brits mouth. Thats how they control britain and the thoughts of the brits.

  22. Not a big lover of them myself but they do bring a lot of tourism in to country .most country's who don't have royals like America would love to have a king or queen....why don't they just pay for themselves though not as if there short of money....

  23. No. Don't fall for the royalist mantra that they bring in money or tourists. I don't think any tourist is stupid enough to think the queen will make a point of seeing them. We can move into the 21st century and abolish them. The history and the buildings will still be there. The family are just leeches, and there is no place in this day and age for elitist methods of choosing a head of state. I never voted for Elizabeth Windsor.

  24. The vast majority in the UK, according to BBC polls, feel that they are worth it. The royal family costs 63 pence per taxpayer, but generates $3.7 billion in tourism every year, from Americans and Canadians alone. That answers The Question by itself.

    Some say that tourists never get to see the Queen and that, even then, they don't come to London to see royalty. But opinion polls, and the great success of businesses that are royal-related dispel that myth. Many commentators like to point out that even without a monarchy the many palaces will still be maintained (as all but Balmoral and Sandringham are owned by the nation), but will likely be less popular without a royal inhabiting them. Besides from the obvious financial rewards from having a monarchy, there are also the political advantages to consider. The Queen is impartial, and she has been, since the beginning of her reign, the UK's greatest symbol of unity, and to the outside world, she continues to be the most recognizable symbol of the entire United Kingdom.

    The Queen remains immensely popular in the UK, in the 16-state Commonwealth Realm (which all officially have Elizabeth II as their sovereign), and throughout the entire world. Other family members, such as Prince Charles, despite being the subject of widespread dislike during the 1990s for well-known reasons, is today very popular for his environmentalism.

    Politically and economically the rewards of having a monarch are much greater than having a partisan republic.

  25. Absolutely not - I think the idea that they bring a lo t of tourism into the country is wrong too.  People come to Britain to see the historic and new attractions not for the Royal Family.

  26. NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  27. I think they are quite cute! =D

  28. They bring more money into this country than we pay them. I think the Royal family makes our country a little bit different from a lot of others and I'd rather pay them to live in their palaces than to put someone like Gordon Brown and Co into one.

  29. Every cent. And more.

  30. Oh of course. Just not mine, thats all.

  31. I don't think it matters, just their name and history

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