
Royal mail..?

by  |  earlier

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see they are having another 24 hour strike, why dont alan leighton sort this out , he is in charge of a public asset, and seems intent on ruining it. what do you think ????




  1. It's their right to strike. However, there are so many private mail firms now that the strikers are driving more business away which just means more of them will be made redundant as people are unlikely to return if they can afford the private service an there's no strikes.

    But Leighton is in between a rock and a hard place, he needs to make the Royal Mail pay its way. which means slimming down the workforce and introducing modern workign practices but the strikers disgree.

  2. Sack the lot and start again or give it to Richard Branson

  3. I think he should stamp on it, though I realise it's hard to l**k.

  4. If you have a greivence and you feel the management are listening but not hearing and their are enough of you a strike action is the only way forward. I have never been on strike in the whole of my life, but I can say this nobody enjoys a strike and it takes one heck of a long time to pull the money lost back even with overtiome

  5. Why doesn't the country revolt and just start sending everything second class.

    They are making a mint out of ppl putting two first class stamps on their post these days "just in case"

    And if the just in case isn't enough stamps, you have to pay a quid to pick it up from their depot (at your expense)

  6. you cant ruin something that is already ruined

  7. they do have a right to go on strike, but if they did their job properly and not send post to the wrong house or gert it lost, they probably wouldn't have to strike cos they may get raises cos their doin their job properly, and people tell the boss that, agghh its so annoying,

    im fed up of my hospital appointments coming through the post a week after i was due to be there cos they dont send them quick enough!!!

  8. your first answer  doesn't know what he is talking about the posties are all for modernisation its the 40 pound a week pay decrease they object too.Leighton has offered 2.5 per cent which is below inflation rate.him and crozier want to stop their payments for what you would call junk mail[pizza adds etc] as posties get paid an extra 25 quid a week to deliver that garbage.also by introducing later shift start times posties would lose another 15 quid a week in shift allowance. Leighton and his side kick  also want to increase their duties at present set at a walk time of 3.5 try lumping 16 kilos of mail for 3.5 hours when it is p i  s s i n g down. i can tell you now royal mail managers on the other hand were all given bonuses today of a minimum of 1500 pound to Adam crozier's 300,000.and Leighton says they have no money.don't believe the your postie.would you want a 40 pound a week pay decrease.i think not.if you really want to know what is going on go to www royalmaichat.coml.postie web site. and youll learn the truth.

  9. dunno
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