
Royal outrage... ?

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im have to do an essay about the british royal family and i need to know a few important dates and events.

I need things along the lines of the Harry n**i thing and royals getting divorced, etc.

So if you can remember any events or royal outrages that have happened in the past 100 years, it would be a great help if you could mention them.

don't worry too much about dates, i can look them up.





  1. Each monarch, or other member of the royal family has at one time or another fallen foul of the press. In the 20th Century, Edward Vll had several mistresses and was well-known for them, Edward Vlll abdicated because the government wouldn't allow him to marry a twice divorced woman & keep the throne, George Vl had a bad stammer (which he worked hard to overcome) and we all know about the current lot. Princess Margaret chose royalty over marriage, and Prince Harry dressed as a n**i in 2005

  2. It seems that you have the makings of a good tabloid journalist.

    Why choose only the bad things that you have read about?

  3. Google search

    Wikkipedia.....  its all there

  4. Do your own homework!

  5. How about The Queen's Annus Horribilus?Her horrible year included the divorces and separations of her eldest children. Anne divorced Mark Phillips because he had a child out of wedlock with his mistress. Fergie cuckolded Andrew with two men,the most famous being her "financial adviser" infamously caught "sucking her toes"(really kissing her feet) by French paparazzi who published the pictures in Paris Match magazine. To further embarrass the Duchess,she was topless at the time, and her daughters were present.The fairy tale marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales was shone to be a sham,after Andrew Morton published his book, Diana:Her True Story. And to top it off,Windsor Castle caught on fire. The people were put off that they were expected to pay to repair for it,so the Queen had to make some start paying taxes like her son,Charles had been doing for years,cut down on some of the expenses on the Civil List.

    Try reading The Tarnished Crown by Anthony Holden.

    Edward VIII abdication crisis caused by his involvement with Wallis Warfield Simpson,the twive-divorced woman.

    Edward VII's affairs,most noted with Lilly Langtry,Sarah Bernhardt, and Alice Keppel(who still haunts the palace to this day,in the form of her ancestor,Camilla Parker-Bowles,Duchess of Cornwall).
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