
Royally screwed by my teacher?

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So I'm just about to finish a summer school course and I can't for the life of me understand why my mark is so low. I had one outstanding assignment which I've now handed in but she is failing me, all my other assignments fall in the 80- 95 percent range except for an in class essay that I got 65 percent on. I'm almost certain she is failing me because my step dad went in there and demanded that she modify my marking scheme to accommodate my IPP. I hate the d**n IPP! but that's not the point. I think she is not marking my work objectively because she's mad at my step dad. What can I do. I pretty much need to get a 65 in this course.




  1. go above her head man.....

  2. take your work and go above her head

  3. Go to someone a step higher on the ladder, and ask them to examine your grades. And maybe you could ask your teacher to show you the marks she has for you, try and remember them and figure out how you could possibly be failing.

    It also doesn't hurt to try extra hard and if you don't see your grades improve at all, then she is failing you.

  4. if you think your work is solid and she's not being fair then ask her to look at it again.

    if you are not comfortable with that i would either ask your dad to go in again, OR talk to another teacher or the principle

    i can't say what she's doing or why

    but for sure, she can't hold you responsible for her mistake if that's what's happened

    i hope you can get it straightened out...and soon!


  5. Go directly to your teacher first. She'd really be mad if you went straight over her head without talking to her.

    Approach her respectfully, and talk politely. Tell her that you've been keeping track of your grades and you can't figure out what your average is going to be, and ask her to explain it to you because you're really worried about it. She will appreciate your respectful manner and will hopefully explain it to you so that you can come to an agreement. Remember not to get angry with her. She is an adult, and though adults are often wrong, they don't like to be reminded by punky kids! ;o)   Good luck.

    An IPP (I assume) is like an IEP in Texas, which is a learning plan for someone with different abilities in one or more subject.

  6. I was always taught that there is ALWAYS someone above a given person. Regardless of how she feels about your dad you should not have to suffer. She needs to be more professional or she shouldn't be in that line of job. If you know for a fact you have done well and have the proof to back it up than take it up with someone above her (i.e. the principal, the dean...I don't know you did not mention your grade). If she did not hand back your work. than demand that she breaks your grades down to you and shows you your work, and how it all lead to why she is failing you. Do not be afraid, you have more power than you think. Beside teachers are always getting dropped left and right, so she has more to lose than you do.

  7. Have you tried talking to your teacher?  Ask her to give you a valid reason of why you got the grade that she gave you in a nice way, and let her know that you think you deserve a higher grade and ask why she thinks otherwise.  She has no right to fail you, because she's mad at your stepdad.  But how sure are you that this is the case?  If she can't provide a good enough reason, let someone at the school know about this, and ask them to keep your name anonymous, so that they can investigate her without her suspecting you told on her or anything b/c that might get you in a bigger mess.  I think talking to her first would be a good idea, but if she's not willing to negotiate, let someone know.  If what you're suspecting is true, failing you for something your stepdad is not fair.

  8. What's IPP? If you and your family were demanding special treatment, maybe you deserve to get screwed.

  9. say something to some one in the school other teachers or princaple...but make sure you keep your assignments if you've done good on them then show him/her your grades and see how that matches up with the grade in her grade book...

  10. What's IPP?

    Yeah get your work and go ask someone else to mark it

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