
Royals dominating the yanks? how low can the yanks go?

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Royals dominating the yanks? how low can the yanks go?




  1. The Royals aren't as bad as you think. They can get really hot and beat any team in the league. They're not the same team as last year. Young players(Batters and pitchers) are contributing and giving the Royals a good comeback year

  2. Wouldn't call this "domination."

    It's bad, sure. But a few plays go the Yankees' way and the Yanks could have won last night and could be ahead today. They're simply not hitting in the clutch and it's frustrating.  

  3. The Royals aren't the same pushover team they've been for the last decade.  When their bats are on they can put up a lot of runs (they're still woefully inconsistant at the plate, though) and they have a really good bullpen, so if they get a lead they do a good job of holding on to it.  

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