
Royalty who is famous for things they have done or are currently doing ...?

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name some and what they did, provide links.




  1. they help sell a lot of gossip newspapers.

  2. Princess Anne worked to get the Olympic to England in 2012!

    Prince Charles is an avid organic gardener and has published at least 1 book on the subject.

    Prince Andrew served during the Falklands war and is now an Ambassador of sorts for British companies.

    Prince Edward had a production studio for sometime and it was very successful.

  3. When Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands was a princess of about 25 years, she went incognito to Amsterdam famous light district, together with (female) major Bosshardt of the salvation army to visit the poorest of the poorest - prostitutes, homeless people, drug addicts. She gave them soup, an encouraging word, etc.

    When this became known a few day later h**l broke loose: How could it be that a future queen would do such an outrageous  thing! But of course most people thought: that's my queen!

  4. Henry VIII - married six women and created a whole new church to do so.

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