
Rozerem advert...what is the meaning of Abe Lincoln , and the beaver at the table ?

by  |  earlier

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I thought maybe it was beacause Abe Lincoln was known as a work-a-holic and beavers are known to work so hard , therefore they wouldn`t sleep much ? Did I get this wrong ?




  1. Well, Abe would be money (on the $5 bill) and seriously, the beaver would be s*x.  Just dream symbols.

  2. i don't know i am still trying to figure out the dude with the deep sea diving suit???

  3. They represent inadvertent images which pop up in one's dreams for no apparent reason.

    The person who is not sleeping well is not experiencing dream sequences which include these types of images.

    As to their specific symbolic meaning, I believe that there are none.

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